Mobile Minutes: Furniture Airports

So, it turns out there’s this store in the world named IKEA. It’s giant, blue, yellow, and full of…stuff. You can build a home, buy supplies for the home, or just chill on the furniture for your home, while eating a plate of Swedish meatballs or a cinnamon roll.

These are all true stories, and some of the things I have experienced in the past two days. A few months ago the city south of where we live opened up an IKEA. To give you an idea of this significance, the closest one past that is in Chicago. Needless to say I waited my due time to visit, and actually heading home yesterday Darco conned me into stopping by.

The best way I can describe this monster is an airport. The store, from top to bottom, is structured like an airport (and could probably hold a few more people). Parking is massive, there are multiple floors, and one can easily get lost (or trampled) along the escalators.


There is no point to this photo…except…LOOK AT THAT PRICE!

However, for all the strange things that make up the unique aspect of IKEA, there is one undeniable fact: there is a lot of cheap materials in that building. Part of the charm (or curse) of IKEA is that everything you buy, you put together yourself. If you happened to grow up with LEGO instructions, and read them, you’re in luck at this place. That aspect is part of what keeps the prices as low as they do. As it turns out IKEA has a huge variety of desks…like…teaching desks.


“Can I get my phone out to see what time it is?” The struggle is real.

Last week Jim and I worked on my classroom a bit. I had mentioned to him that I had found a desk that I’d love for my classroom. Primarily this interest is due to the fact it’s a stand up desk. There’s a big movement in the running community about sitting too long at work. Teachers can easily be one of the easiest victims of this study. Needless to say, I’d enjoy having a desk to stand at throughout the day instead of just another excuse to sit. Even as a teacher, I can give reasons why teachers shouldn’t sit during class either, but that’s for a different day…

The stand up desk is at IKEA, and sure enough my parents and wife went back to IKEA with me this afternoon. As my birthday gift, my parents snagged that desk. Let me tell you, buying an item at IKEA may be the hardest part of the entire experience. Once you find the item in the display room, you have to jot down a nine digit (nine?) number. But if you’re getting something like a table, you’ll need multiple numbers to ‘pick’ in the warehouse. Example, my desk comprises of a storage unit, two legs, two clamps, and a tabletop. I had to get a separate nine digit code for the table, another for the storage unit, another for the table legs, and another for the clamps. Also, you’ll need to know the aisle number and the bin number. Total, you’ll need…for my desk in this case….44 numbers to get you to your product.


9 Digit ID Number+1 Digit Aisel Number+1 Digit Bin Number+Blood of the Firstborn*=Key to the Warehouse

You need that number for when you enter what could be the world’s largest warehouse, outside of the one where the random stuff is store for Indiana Jones, to locate the boxed item. Once you find it, then you pile it in the cart (bring muscle) and head to checkout. While standing in the checkout line you’ll be bombarded by the smell of fresh cinnamon rolls located beyond the register.

After paying you’ll head to the loading dock adjacent to the parking lot. This is easily comparable to the drop-off section at the entryway of most airports. Watch out for the lady that has no control of her car/cart. Load your item into your car**, and get out of that place. Knowing that you’ll be visiting it again in two days because somehow they are ‘out of stock’ for a table top.

Until we meet again IKEA***, until we meet again.

By the way; thanks to some awesome parents for getting me a sweet desk for class.


**We tested out the flexibility of the Mazda3 with a 5′ storage unit

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