XXXI: A Taste

Sometimes road trips are the most dangerous thing a person can conduct for themselves.

This time last week Darco and I were enjoying ribs with our friends in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Overall it truly was an experience I’ll never forget. It wasn’t just because of the food, the fun, and the atmosphere. It’s because I got a taste of a different life. Continue reading

Mobile Minutes: #PittBound Part V

Thirty miles to go…

Darco has blown my mind today. All weekend I was on NyQuil due to fighting a cold, meaning complete exhaustion in the mornings.

We were up by 6:45 AM EST this morning. Out the door by 7:00 AM EST.

My wife knocked off the first 400 miles of our trip home. After I did a measly 200 miles, she grabbed the rest! Letting me sleep and recover without issue.

I am blessed.


Mobile Minutes: #PittBound Part IV

Do I have to go home?

Currently the only thought going through my brain while I head to sleep one last time in Pittsburgh.


It was an honor to worship with my friends today at their own church. Loud music, passionate voices, and a really cool story about missions in Zimbabwe and Kenya. Talk about blessed.



Turns out Pittsburgh does BBQ also. This weekend they had rib fest at Heinz Stadium, where the Pittsburgh Steelers play. We grabbed three half slabs to split. Shocker. Kansas City style won in our books.


Circa: Fall 2005


Circa: Fall 2015

All of this crazy journey stems from ten years ago. The very first, and one of few, friends I made in college was this 6’1 basketball player from Maryland. Even though she left after the first year, the friendship remained far after. Remember the exciting journey through Maryland, eventually leading to Darco becoming a Christian? Yes, it was this couple.

This is truly the fruits of friendship. I have laughed all weekend. I’ve witnessed amazing food, awesome friends, and a very happy wife from all of this.

It hurts knowing that such good friends live so far away.

Even with that reality, I am blessed and my soul is smiling.


Mobile Minutes: #PittBound Part I

Get it!
Darco and I have embarked on a holiday journey. Currently on route to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to see friends.
Also listening to throwback music from high school and college.
I love my road trips with this awesome lady.
Reality is we fell in love over coffee and random road journey’s.
Why stop what works?


Mobile Minutes: Jetplane

Strange sensation coming in the next twenty-four hours.

I’ll be alone for an entire week.
That means no wife for an entire week.
You want to talk about being scared?


Because of school obligations next week I had to humbly bow out of an opportunity to go with a mission team to the country of El Salvador for the week. However, potentially the most shocking thing witness for the year to date, was watching my wife step up and state that she’d like to go to El Salvador in my place.

Earth shaking cool.

Continue reading

Mobile Minutes: Shifting Priorities

Sometimes the day just doesn’t work in our favor.

Yesterday I didn’t sleep well due to excitement, I was getting my school issued MacBook during a morning meeting. Upon arrival, way too early in the morning, I sat through two hours of ‘turning it on, and turn it off again’. It was a worthy sacrifice for the computer. However, what caught me off guard was learning that we had a second training meeting.

July 31, 2015. Continue reading

XXXI: Summer Time (Finally)

Go figure I’d write this on June 21st (first official day of summer). I can firmly say that I’m officially embracing the summer break of 2016. My tests are finished for certification, I’ve already had my first few teacher meetings for the summer, my mission trip is finished up, and I’m actually looking at my first week of the summer where I don’t have anything slated.

Meaning, I have no excuse on getting distracted. Even though we’re still in June, the reality is, is that school starts back up in less than two months. Factor in that this will be my first year teaching and the work that comes with it, and already I’m breathing a little uneasy. i’ve got books to read, lessons to prepare, and even a curriculum to better understand. That doesn’t include the fact that I need to actually get into my classroom, acquire design pieces, and start to put the room together (at least mentally). I’m sure my typing smells of ‘new teacher’, but that’s half the fun in my book. For some strange reason it’s worth going the extra mile to have fun with your students, while also teaching them in the same manner. If the dynamics of the classroom are off, the students will be distracted…and so will I.

Currently, inside this classroom I have two walls that are nearly 100% dry erase boards and two walls that are brick. I’m thinking of theming the room to some weird, strange coffee and Japanese cafe world. I just can’t handle the concept of teaching in a sterile environment. It’s not fair to the students.

I suppose in these coming weeks that’s going to be my life in a nutshell. Working on lessons, living the real version of “The Sims” when looking at my classroom, attending some classes, and of course…running. Today was my first day off in seven days. I feel alright, I definitely need some new shoes as I’ve passed the 500 mile threshold on both of my pairs, but my legs are doing better.

I think body mechanics is a fascinating topic to explore when learning about your own body. When I started running again, even all the way up to the recent months, my knees and legs were the sorest parts of my body. As I told my doctor a few weeks ago though, something has changed in my mechanics. I’m not sure what, but those areas no longer host the most soreness after a training session.

My hips do.

This is actually encouraging for me. That tells me that my legs have strengthened and now I’m going to continue to work on developing my hip muscles; they tend to be rather important in the fast, repetitive motion of the style of running that I enjoy. With life finally calming down, I can also ensure that I’m getting in every valuable workout that I can. Darco and I are heading out east in the final week of July for the Liberty Mile and to see some pretty epic friends.

I’m alright with this life. There’s so much to always work on, but that’s coming to be part of the joy behind all of it. Teaching, running, praising…trying to be more optimistic, more forgiving, and asking for my forgiveness are definitely on my list of things I’d like to improve upon.

I guess here’s to a happy summer full of exploration, knowledge, and dreams!


XXXI: #Sike15 Part VI

You know those days where your head is so congested that every time you stand you get a taste of what vertigo is all about?


This random cold, probably obtained through exhaustion, has kept me seated most of the day. I’ve gotten up long enough to get coffee, prepare dinner, and move some dirty clothes around. That’s about it. My day has been ended, so I’ve spent the remainder of it on the couch working on messages and emails from the previous week.

Mission accomplished.

Those were the words pacing through my brain as the paved lanes passed before me heading back into the comforts of my home last night. As stated in earlier messages during the recent mission trip, I had high hopes of rekindling my love with the thing that hurt the most in spiritual warfare, damage, etc…being mission minded and having fun. Continue reading