
First snow day as a teacher. It was announced a few hours ago. Trust me, I love my kids. However, I’m blessed to be given one more day of recovery from the fall before going back to school. Mentally I need it.

Additionally, my parents amaze me. They braved the weather, came to our house, shoveled our drive, thawed out the cars, and cooked meals for us. Jim fell on the ice while shoveling, I nearly cried, just because seeing family doing work for my sake was humbling at the least.

I don’t deserve a life like this. I am blessed beyond reason.


Mobile Minutes: Beer Between Men

Last week myself, Darco, MC, and Jim took a family vacation. We wound up at Montauk State Park; a state park that I had grown up going to. It’s where I learned to put a hook on my line, catch fish, string them, and survive sleeping outside in 90℉+ heat.

While we were unpacking last Sunday, Jim made note that coworker told him that he needs to lighten up, relax, and have a beer when out camping. Jim made the following statement:

My step-son enjoys beer. Maybe we’ll have a beer down there.

It dawned on me that through all the cheesy accomplishments of being a family, Jim and I had never had a beer together. We lived in a household where beer was never allowed. It wasn’t something that we talked about until I was 26*. Father/son beer is the American thing to do, right? That’s like working on a car together, putting up a tent, or attending a sports event. You just do those kind of things together.


Jim in the river fishing with a hat that had an American flag on it, surrounded by flags on flag day. I'm rather certain George Washington flew over on an eagle.

Wednesday night, the evening before we went back home, Jim and I each enjoyed a pint of ‘Crankbait Cream Ale’ from Piney River Brewery.

Nothing special at the moment as we enjoyed trout, watermelon, and other goods at the table. It wasn’t until after coming home that I truly enjoyed reflecting on that one moment.


It was cliche, but also iconic. I’ve known Jim for 24 years, and I’ve gone from being absolutely terrified of him to enjoying a classic American pass time with him.

Thanks Piney River Brewing for coming in the clutch on a random vacation for a pretty cool father/son moment. I know internally it’ll be something I forever cherish.


*Southern Baptist Doctrine Logic: Beer=Sex=Dancing


I’m “adulting”…

Last weekend, between sighting in rifles for deer season, Darco, MC, Jim, and myself started to embark on an adventure I never thought would happen.

We began the moving process.


It’s gorgeous. The basement has the drywall completed, along with the painting. Tiling is being installed right now.

Stepping outside with MC, I noticed a noise I never imagined hearing in isolation again…

As it turns out, after final calculations, there are a grand total of 62 miles…62…miles…of running trails around the lake that our house sits on.

Our. House.


I don’t know if Darco has had this sensation, but each time I’m at the house I have to remind myself that I’m not visiting. This isn’t a friends house. It’s a strange, almost sobering, sensation of accepting this gift. Believe me, any reader here knows this, this is a gift.

We’ll be completely moved in over the weekend.

God is good. In ways I’ll never understand, but each day I lock the front door, it’ll be s gentle reminder of what God does.


Mobile Minutes: Blurs

Awesome road trip.
Crazy two day teaching workshop.
Seasonal cold.

My week summed up so far. It’s been exhausting, exhilarating, and energetic.

In the midst of all of that, I lost my car keys this morning, resulting in Jim lending me a car to work and back. Also, our apartment complex has decided to do random “yearly inspections” this week.

There’s more NyQuil and coffee in my veins than there is blood…

And I’m loving it all.
Loving this life.


XXXI: Man’s Man

A few days ago I took a class that spoke about schools failing boys in education. I thought on this concept throughout the day and into the rest of the week. I started to ponder the question of whether it’s necessarily schools that are failing boys, or if it’s men who are failing boys because they refuse to stop being boys.


Mobile Minutes: Cleanliness Next To…

Dishes washed.
Clothes put away.
Closet cleaned.
Both electrical lighting issues resolved compliments of Jim saving me this morning (rewarded with donuts).
Place vacuumed.

See? This is the beauty of knowing that your parents are coming over to your place; it forces you to get up and get cleaning.

Next? Dying the hair blue.



I was sitting in the classroom. It had wooden floors, shotty desks, and several old text books. it was my ‘planning period’, which as a substitute meant that I would have a period in which i did…nothing. Halfway through my time of peace, on a calm, sunny day the phone inside the classroom rang. I answered it to find the principal on the other end…”This is your planning period, right? Would you be interested in coming into my office for a brief interview for a teaching position next year?”

That was four years ago… Continue reading

Mobile Minutes: #OPCarvingTheTurkey

Pie made.
Tofu devoured (ish).
Clothes laid out.
Car cleaned.
Thanksgiving tomorrow.

Darco and I are heading south tomorrow for Thanksgiving, back into the region of the world that I tend not to have the fondest memories of. Regardless though family resides in the region, so where family is thereto we shall be. It’ll actually be the first time that Darco will be meeting some individuals on MC’s side of the family. I’m sure it’ll be an exciting day, the family hasn’t really gotten together in a group like this since my grandfather died in 2007, so I’m sure there’s been several adjustments within the family. Facebook keeps us all informed on everyones business. Interestingly enough though, and the random note of the day, there will be nearly a dozen people there that were, are, or will be in involved in the education system in some magnitude. That’s the family in the a nutshell, a bunch of teachers (and a few other random folks). Jim and I found that fascinating this evening.

More tomorrow for sure, but for now I suppose it’d be wise to get some rest.

…and let that tofu digest…


XXXI: Language Barrier

I suppose it isn’t really fair to use the phrase, “God is confusing”. In many ways He tends to explain His will, desire, and expectations pretty clearly…we also tend to get so caught up in the world around us that it muddles the communication between ourselves and Him.

Currently: I’m a muddled mess. Continue reading

XXXI: Released

It was tiny.

It held one bathroom, two bedrooms, a living room, and a kitchen/dining area. There was one window that peered above the bed, it nearly two feet tall and it was the only source of sunlight in the entire building. The carpet was thin, and was anchored directly the concrete slab that had been poured. The kitchen had a fake plastic cover along the floor, there was a partially operating air conditioning window unit that also doubled as a heater in the winter. All the rooms were covered in artificial wood paneling easily from the ’70’s area.

It was tiny.

I never slept well during the night in this small living compartment. Most night I would spend online in the second bedroom that had been turned into an ‘office’. I’d work on applications for high school teaching positions, and randomly Skype individuals who were also up at that time at night. At the same time my wife at the time would sleep in the bedroom. I’d crawl into bed around 3:00 AM, and try to sleep through the distractions until she got up for the day (usually around 6:00 AM), and then I’d sleep until noon or 1:00 PM in the afternoon. My life revolved around that small apartment. I didn’t see sunlight very often for the first six months, and frequently slept on the couch.

It’s startling to believe that, that experience was nearly four years ago. I remember the sheer joy I felt the day I left that apartment for good, packed up with MC and Jim, I was released from a prison that I had created for myself.

I’m not really sure why I’m reflecting on the memory, aside from the fact that some of the medicine I’m taking for this recent bug has caused me to be extremely restless for about thirty minutes after ingesting the pill (who knew). Darco is quietly sleeping in our bedroom as she’ll be getting up around 4:00 AM to get ready for work, and I’ll head back in after finishing this and get a good nights rest prior to heading back to work tomorrow. I still probably won’t enter the track again until Friday, just one day in the real world again is enough to drain me, I’ve learned this from previous experiences.

Something about being sick causes you to reflect. I contribute that to the drugs and the insane amount of free time that you find yourself having in the middle of the afternoon, sweat pouring off your face, and wondering if the world is still moving without you. It’s one of the first times in quite some time that I’ve taken time to just reflect and overall compartmentalize life as I know it. As I frequently joke with Darco, I’ve already lived three lifetimes already, so that’s a lot of memories that have to be sorted through, compared, and analyzed.

I’m peering out my living room window, watching the night pass, as I write this. I think back to quick engagements, steady faith, marriage, and everything that’s accumulated to the point that brings us to now. Darco and I had a very, very unique conversation today; tying back into “XXXI”, and some of the goals that we’re striving for. From cooking at home to other more extreme discussions, we’ve had several of them as of lately. We’ve grown weary and tired of the town that we’re currently living in, I’m pushing myself harder each day physically, and life is just changing. I’m noticing in the realm of, “I want to do this, this, and this…” no longer appropriately describes my existence.

My life is less cluttered and more structured:

That’s it. I’m no longer interested in obtaining five million different ideas, concepts, or creations. I love my job, I love getting lost in cyberspace, and I love producing results. I’m growing more and more in love with the church that Darco and I attend, we’re part of a weekly church planting group that meets on Thursday nights, and I can’t express how much of a blessing they’ve already been. MC and Jim continue to churn through their own lives, while ensuring that we survive ours as well. Jim was recently offered a full time job at a local school district, and that in itself brought a lot of ease to the family. Some days I firmly believe that Darco is a bigger blessing to me compared to myself with her. I learn something new about her each and every day, and how she isn’t afraid to try new things. Just because an individual lived a sheltered life, doesn’t mean that they fear adventure.

Finally, there’s something about those shoes. A pair of shorts, a pair of shoes, my sunglasses, and I”m good to go. Whether it’s a few miles, a mile, a time trial, sprints, or whatever the case may be…I’m not even close to perfect, but nothing feels greater compared to moving in stride with my soul.

Faith, family, work, and running…they’re all connected to one another. Each is required to ensure that the other remains. Those are all four things I was drastically missing inside that small apartment four years ago. They are all four things that I’ll forever cherish close to my heart.
