Mobile Minutes: Teaching Teachers

Cool moment today: First day back in school from Christmas Break, and staff had to stay late for professional development.

Why is that cool?

Because after being in the building for the past couple years, I was asked if I’d like to work with another teacher and teach a professional development class on Twitter.

Instructors teacher instructors. Not to mention is was about using Twitter in the classroom. It was really neat, and it made my heart happy that I got to contribute to the world of education in a way that wasn’t directed tied to my students.


XXXI: Hang Up & Talk

Growing up in a digital age, I can’t believe that even I’m to the point of disconnecting from our own, manmade cyber world.

Perhaps I’m the youngest one in this age,
The idea of hanging up, putting away the prepay
Unwinding fingertips crippled by chronic keyboards,
Typing away each final breath.

Maybe I’m alone,
This new advocacy for self-help in a digital plain,
Deleted, rewriting, and disconnecting ones image,
Easing away the physical pain

I ponder the amount of dates gone by,
Talking to him across tabletops,
Screens rolling past his vacant eyes,

How many times has he whispered to her,
In the midnights twilight,
Understanding she heard nothing,
Except the comedy routine from YouTube’s limelight

Twisted, dark deceptive life
Full of zeros and ones,
A binary cry,
Calculated cost of communication cut short,
We cut the cord,
But we never hung up

Curious cursors cruise across screens,
Imaging imaginary ideas,
Reality no longer desirable,
Photoshop, ragtag pieces of former cut, cropped, cropped tops,
Litter to the mind

Days erased and night now rotten,
Glassy eyed empty souls,
Twisted membranes of cellular display,
Underline the world lost,
The love forgotten.

Unplug the warped reality,
A cyber crime unwinding in the minds eye,
Take up a natural life,
Block out the screen,
Turn off the lie.


Mobile Minutes: Midnight Musings

It’s almost midnight…

I’ve been thinking of new projects, ideas, and adventures in coming months. I think I’m going about it the wrong way. I get these desires to split my identity into multiple directions (running, marketing, writing, music, teaching, missions…), and what I’m watching is the fact that I’m diluting the most powerful branding image…


I don’t need a site for cooking, or a site for running, or a site for writing. I just need to be me. Readers decide if they’re going to understand my thought process all on one page, and it isn’t my responsibility to be apologetic about it, right?

Yes, I can write about marriage, running, and rave parties in the same blog because it all revolves around one element: my unique identity.

I suppose in some instances I’ve lost contact with the internal artist that creates the abstract that is my mind*.

Naturally, that all starts right here at


*Yuppiest thing I’ve ever said…

XXXI: Language Barrier

I suppose it isn’t really fair to use the phrase, “God is confusing”. In many ways He tends to explain His will, desire, and expectations pretty clearly…we also tend to get so caught up in the world around us that it muddles the communication between ourselves and Him.

Currently: I’m a muddled mess. Continue reading

Mobile Minutes: Social Overload

I’ve come to a conclusion from the past few days…

My previous job completely fried me on all means of social media. As I’m trying to get a few pieces put together for a few groups, I’m noticing that my drive, passion, and enjoyment of the social media world is greatly lacking in enthusiasm. It could be that I’m just recovering after dealing with whatever that was, or could be the fact that I learned that it isn’t always, necessarily my cup of tea.

I don’t know, but I will say this, if you mess with the social media world enough…eventually it’ll mess with you, and sometimes that means results that you may not necessarily desire.

Back to working on the resume.


Mobile Minutes: @NUMSHIRT ACTION!

True story.


If I only I had my hipster glasses on…

First, as always, be sure to read this piece just to get up-to-speed on what happens when I’m on Twitter for too long.

Standard, required pose for giggles.

Standard, required pose for giggles.

Next, a friend of mine from down in Texas introduced me to a very random, quirky, fun t-shirt company called NumShirt.

The concept is very simple, choose a black t-shirt or a white t-shirt, next choose a number that you like (favorite number, sports number, etc…), and finally choose a font. Once your completed, you check out via their website and after payment you’ll have your own t-shirt with a number on it, that you chose, shipped to your doorstep.

I’m not making this up.

After a fun dialogue with the guys from NumShirt, I agreed to snag a shirt and in turn I’d show a photo on Twitter of myself wearing their gear. However, for the sake of entertainment I’m going to take it a step further.

I know at least 390 different accounts have subscribed to this blog, not to mention over 1,000 Twitter followers, nearly 300 Facebook friends, and a Google+ page that’s accumulated 30,000 views in the past two weeks (see why I love my job). I wanted to share the random shirt with all of you here on FilingThePapers as well. It’s fun, it’s unique, and it seems like something that just fits for the oddities that this site contains.

The t-shirt is 100% cotton, and I will admit after wearing it for an entire summer day in August, it’s a very comfortable, very, very light material. Making it a shirt that is more likely to be worn versus the standard, cheap cotton shirts with screen press art.

You can order your own NumShirt at their website that’s linked to this text.
