
I’m “adulting”…

Last weekend, between sighting in rifles for deer season, Darco, MC, Jim, and myself started to embark on an adventure I never thought would happen.

We began the moving process.


It’s gorgeous. The basement has the drywall completed, along with the painting. Tiling is being installed right now.

Stepping outside with MC, I noticed a noise I never imagined hearing in isolation again…

As it turns out, after final calculations, there are a grand total of 62 miles…62…miles…of running trails around the lake that our house sits on.

Our. House.


I don’t know if Darco has had this sensation, but each time I’m at the house I have to remind myself that I’m not visiting. This isn’t a friends house. It’s a strange, almost sobering, sensation of accepting this gift. Believe me, any reader here knows this, this is a gift.

We’ll be completely moved in over the weekend.

God is good. In ways I’ll never understand, but each day I lock the front door, it’ll be s gentle reminder of what God does.


XXXI: Running Out

Another step.
Another minute.
Another goal.
Another mile.
Another dream.

I’ve been considering giving up the ambition of running. I haven’t hit a wall, I haven’t been dealt too many injuries, and I’m not really on the verge of burning out.

I’m just tired of being my own fuel. Continue reading

Mobile Minutes: Cleanliness Next To…

Dishes washed.
Clothes put away.
Closet cleaned.
Both electrical lighting issues resolved compliments of Jim saving me this morning (rewarded with donuts).
Place vacuumed.

See? This is the beauty of knowing that your parents are coming over to your place; it forces you to get up and get cleaning.

Next? Dying the hair blue.



I was sitting in the classroom. It had wooden floors, shotty desks, and several old text books. it was my ‘planning period’, which as a substitute meant that I would have a period in which i did…nothing. Halfway through my time of peace, on a calm, sunny day the phone inside the classroom rang. I answered it to find the principal on the other end…”This is your planning period, right? Would you be interested in coming into my office for a brief interview for a teaching position next year?”

That was four years ago… Continue reading


What a glorious way to end the weekend.
Interestingly enough Darco and I are on opposite sides of the state today with our own adventures.

I’m spending the evening enjoying dinner with MC at the local brewery. We were able to talk about work, family, and teaching. What a great night catching up.


She had the special. I had the salmon.

Darco in her own right was a having an amazing day as well…


Darco (left) alongside her "employer". You may know him as the CEO of Starbucks, Howard Shultz.

I’m so crazy proud of her. She’s doing so well in the company, and totally deserved this opportunity.

It’s amazing the opportunities God gives us throughout our lives.


Mobile Minutes: ON Action

A bit on Christmas…

As it turns out, people do not inform me that I do indeed need new clothes. They merely think about it, and give subtle hints with gift cards to clothing specific stores during Christmas. This was the case this year with a card for Old Navy that I received from MC and Jim. Now, in their defense, it is true that for the past ten years I have purchased 100% of my pants from Old Navy, and nearly 75% of my ‘professional casual’ shirts from there also. Therefore, if I’m looking to head into the education field, have a strong wardrobe would be ideal (especially without the sweat stains in the armpits such as what happened to my beloved white polo). Tonight, I did what I despise the most in life, I shopped for clothes…for myself. Thankfully, being a large and tall individual means that my shopping nearly always exists online. When your pants range between a 40×34 and a 40×36 you get the luxury of knowing you won’t always have to face the mob of dramatic teenagers and foaming-at-the-mouth soccer moms.

I am pleased to report that my frugality paid off today through my awesome shopping habits (and poor tastes in fashion). I’m not huge on button down shirts, I tend to enjoy my polos instead (minus the golf clubs). So, out of joy I’ll share with you my my success.

With a $100 gift card, I was able to snag:
-2 pairs of khaki cargo pants (one a coconut white, the other toffee brown)
-4 XL* polos (all of different color…a positive move in my taste of fashion from years past)
-2 men’s, knitted stocking caps

Ran my total to $99.97 with free shipping since it was a purchase over $50.

I. Win.


*I’m sure MC is doing her own #getyourpraiseon due to the fact that her son is finally purchasing extra large polos instead of the skin-tight larges from years past…

XXXI: Default

Your loan has been accelerated…


Trying to reestablish my thought process this morning. I haven’t even touched my coffee yet and it’s already 8:30 AM.


I’ve been mulling over how to be honest without shattering any self-esteem that may be left in my body. I suppose self-esteem isn’t really needed when an individual tries to remove their worldly desires. However, I can say this soundly…

I failed. Continue reading

XXXI: Every Step I Take

Every step I take,
I take in you,
You make move Jesus
Every breath I breathe,
I breathe in you,

The simple lines reverberate back memories of mission trips, summer camps, and when life was overall easier. Less facial hair, less stress, and an overall appreciation for simplicity…without even knowing it at the time. Even last night at my parents house I found a 31 page paper that I had typed out of spite towards one of my professors. Reading over the text I was humored at how naive I was at the time (and also how my grammar could be relatable to my sixth grade students). Continue reading


It’s officially Friday, and Darco is fast asleep. I’ve been drinking water, trying to get my stomach under control (dehydration).

I’m pleased to report a #getyourpraiseon moment from Thanksgiving. A major hurdle was conquered for myself today.

I picked up a child.

Understand something, I’ve always been fearful of breaking small children. That’s just who I am. However, a little 3 1/2 year old kept asking me to pick him up. I did so, and listened to him laugh. We went through the process of lifting him in the air, and carrying him around for about ten minutes. Darco caught it, and MC caught it. I’m sure it gave my mother hope that she’ll eventually be a grandmother, and I know it warmer Darco’s heart. I’m sure anyone reading this is snickering, but let me assure you of this…

This is the first time I’ve ever picked up a child in my life.


XXXI: Language Barrier

I suppose it isn’t really fair to use the phrase, “God is confusing”. In many ways He tends to explain His will, desire, and expectations pretty clearly…we also tend to get so caught up in the world around us that it muddles the communication between ourselves and Him.

Currently: I’m a muddled mess. Continue reading