Mobile Minutes: Raccoon Trials

It’s 12:30 AM. Neko and Oliver (cats) are hissing, spitting, and swatting at our patio window.


I turned on the patio light to see a large grey puff ball staring at me. Behold! The American raccoon.

Two unique reasons to observe this creature:
1. There is no stairs to our second story patio. That boy pulled a straight-up Spidey move.
2. Due to finding a tick after my afternoon run, my running shoes were left on the patio. Within reach of the raccoon. 30 minutes away from a severe thunderstorm.

I’m grateful to report that our cats are trustworthy (I almost typed that with a straight face), I won the battle of the shoes, and MC’s suggestion for ridding ourselves of these creatures?

Just throw some cheap dog food out in the yard.


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