Mobile Minutes: ON Action

A bit on Christmas…

As it turns out, people do not inform me that I do indeed need new clothes. They merely think about it, and give subtle hints with gift cards to clothing specific stores during Christmas. This was the case this year with a card for Old Navy that I received from MC and Jim. Now, in their defense, it is true that for the past ten years I have purchased 100% of my pants from Old Navy, and nearly 75% of my ‘professional casual’ shirts from there also. Therefore, if I’m looking to head into the education field, have a strong wardrobe would be ideal (especially without the sweat stains in the armpits such as what happened to my beloved white polo). Tonight, I did what I despise the most in life, I shopped for clothes…for myself. Thankfully, being a large and tall individual means that my shopping nearly always exists online. When your pants range between a 40×34 and a 40×36 you get the luxury of knowing you won’t always have to face the mob of dramatic teenagers and foaming-at-the-mouth soccer moms.

I am pleased to report that my frugality paid off today through my awesome shopping habits (and poor tastes in fashion). I’m not huge on button down shirts, I tend to enjoy my polos instead (minus the golf clubs). So, out of joy I’ll share with you my my success.

With a $100 gift card, I was able to snag:
-2 pairs of khaki cargo pants (one a coconut white, the other toffee brown)
-4 XL* polos (all of different color…a positive move in my taste of fashion from years past)
-2 men’s, knitted stocking caps

Ran my total to $99.97 with free shipping since it was a purchase over $50.

I. Win.


*I’m sure MC is doing her own #getyourpraiseon due to the fact that her son is finally purchasing extra large polos instead of the skin-tight larges from years past…

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